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Bilingual Education

Little Hearts Playhouse will offer a Dual Language Bilingual program using state approved curriculums.

Why bilingualism?

More than half the world’s population is bilingual, which is why we believe that early childhood bilingual education is so important. At a time when the world is becoming increasingly interconnected, learning another language is a step towards joining a global community. A second language is a window into other ways of viewing the world. More than that, bilingualism carries concrete advantages for children who grow up speaking a second language.

Studies show that children in a Spanish-English bilingual program outperformed children in an English monolingual program on reading tests in both languages.

It’s never too late to enroll your child in our  Dual Language Bilingual Preschool! 

Benefits of Early Immersion

In order to reap the full benefit of bilingualism, exposure to the second language should begin as early as possible. According to the critical period hypothesis, the chances of achieving full fluency in another language are much higher during the first five years of life, since the human brain is wired to learn language during this critical period.